Descripción del Juego
Descargar ARCADEmini para PC 1 Link. Ha llegado el momento de disfrutar de una colección de juegos vintage que muchos han deseado poseer. Con más de 200 roms entre los más jugados, los más vendidos y los mejor valorados por la misma comunidad de aquella época dorada. Prueba los juegos en su forma original; las legendarias versiones Arcade cuentan con efectos visuales, audio y jugabilidad superiores a sus homólogos de consola.
Para los que se despistan con facilidad, hemos incluido fotografías de cada rom seleccionada, así como el módulo de trucos y el emulador ARCADE64 0.206 (actualizado a la versión 2019).
Ficha Técnica
Título: ARCADEmini
Plataforma: PC
Fecha de lanzamiento: 2019
Formato: ISO
Tamaño: 3.40 GB
Idiomas: Español, Inglés, Otros
Género: Emulados
Servidores: Mega – Mediafire
Imágenes del Juego
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Mega – Mediafire
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Listado de Juegos
- 1944: The Loop Master (USA 000620)
- Aero Fighters 2 / Sonic Wings 2
- Aero Fighters 3 / Sonic Wings 3
- Aggressors of Dark Kombat (ADM-008 ~ ADH-008)
- Air Combat 22 (Rev. ACS1 Ver.B, Japan)
- Alien vs. Predator (Euro 940520)
- Alpha Mission II / ASO II – Last Guardian (NGM-007 ~ NGH-007)
- Aqua Jack (World)
- Armored Warriors (Euro 941024)
- Art of Fighting 2 / Ryuuko no Ken 2 (NGM-056)
- Asura Buster – Eternal Warriors (Japan)
- Batsugun
- Battle Circuit (Euro 970319)
- Battletoads
- Beast Busters (World)
- Bionic Commando (Euro)
- Black Tiger
- Boogie Wings (Euro v1.5, 92.12.07)
- Breakers Revenge
- Bubble Bobble II (Ver 2.6O 1994/12/16)
- Cabal (World, Joystick)
- Cadash (World)
- Cadillacs and Dinosaurs (World 930201)
- Captain America and The Avengers (Asia Rev 1.4)
- Captain Commando (World 911202)
- Captain Tomaday
- Cotton 2 (JUET 970902 V1.000)
- Cyberbots: Fullmetal Madness (Euro 950424)
- Dan-Ku-Ga (Ver 0.0J 1994/12/13, prototype)
- Demon Front / Moyu Zhanxian (ARM label V105, ROM 08/05/02 S105XX)
- Double Dragon (Neo-Geo)
- Double Dragon 3 – The Rosetta Stone (US)
- Dragon Ball Z 2 – Super Battle
- Dungeons & Dragons: Shadow over Mystara (Euro 960619)
- Dungeons & Dragons: Tower of Doom (Euro 940412)
- Elevator Action Returns (Ver 2.2O 1995/02/20)
- ESP Ra.De. (International, Ver. 98/04/22)
- Fantastic Journey (ver EAA)
- Fast Lane
- Fatal Fury Special / Garou Densetsu Special (NGM-058 ~ NGH-058, set 1)
- Final Fight (World, set 1)
- G-Stream G2020
- Galaxy Force 2
- Ganryu / Musashi Ganryuki
- Garou – Mark of the Wolves (NGM-2530)
- Ghosts’n Goblins (World? set 1)
- Giga Wing (USA 990222)
- Guardians / Denjin Makai II (P-FG01-1 PCB)
- Guevara (Japan)
- Gunbarich
- Horizon (Irem)
- Joe & Mac Returns (World, Version 1.1, 1994.05.27)
- JoJo no Kimyou na Bouken: Mirai e no Isan (Japan 990927, NO CD)
- Ketsui: Kizuna Jigoku Tachi (2014/07/16 ARRANGE 1.7 VER) (hack)
- Killer Instinct
- Killer Instinct 2
- King of the Monsters (set 1)
- King of the Monsters 2 – The Next Thing (NGM-039 ~ NGH-039)
- Kizuna Encounter – Super Tag Battle / Fu’un Super Tag Battle
- Knights of Valour 2 Plus – Nine Dragons (ver. M205XX, 200, 100CN)
- Knights of Valour Plus / Sangoku Senki Masamune Plus (ver. 119, set 1)
- Last Resort
- Lethal Enforcers (ver UAE, 11/19/92 15:04)
- Light Bringer (Ver 2.2O 1994/04/08)
- Magic Sword: Heroic Fantasy (World 900725)
- Magical Crystals (World, 92/01/10)
- Magical Drop III
- Magician Lord (NGM-005)
- Mars Matrix: Hyper Solid Shooting (USA 000412)
- Martial Masters / Xing Yi Quan (ver. 104, 102, 102US)
- Marvel Super Heroes (Euro 951024)
- Marvel Super Heroes Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 970625)
- Marvel Vs. Capcom: Clash of Super Heroes (Euro 980123)
- Matrimelee / Shin Gouketsuji Ichizoku Toukon (NGM-2660 ~ NGH-2660)
- Mazinger Z (World)
- Mega Man 2: The Power Fighters (USA 960708)
- Mega Twins (World 900619)
- Mercs (World 900302)
- Metal Slug 4 (NGM-2630)
- Metal Slug X – Super Vehicle-001 (NGM-2500 ~ NGH-2500)
- Metamoqester (International)
- Mille Miglia 2: Great 1000 Miles Rally (95/05/24)
- Monster Farm Jump (Japan)
- Mortal Kombat (rev 5.0 T-Unit 03/19/93)
- Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 2.1)
- Mortal Kombat 4 (version 3.0)
- Mortal Kombat II (rev L3.1)
- Muchi Muchi Pork! (2007/ 4/17 MASTER VER.)
- Mutation Nation (NGM-014 ~ NGH-014)
- Mystic Warriors (ver EAA)
- Namco Classic Collection Vol.1
- Namco Classic Collection Vol.2
- NBA Jam TE (rev 4.0 03/23/94)
- Neo Drift Out – New Technology
- Neo Turf Masters / Big Tournament Golf
- Ninja Baseball Bat Man (World)
- Ninja Master’s – Haoh-ninpo-cho
- Osman (World)
- Out Run (sitdown/upright, Rev B) (Enhanced Edition v1.1.0)
- Pac-Land (World)
- Pac-Mania
- Paperboy (rev 3)
- Pink Sweets: Suicide Club (2017/10/31 SUICIDECLUB VER., bootleg)
- Power Instinct (USA)
- Power Instinct 2 (US, Ver. 94/04/08)
- Pretty Soldier Sailor Moon (Ver. 95/03/22B, Europe)
- Primal Rage (version 2.3)
- Progear (USA 010117)
- Prop Cycle (Rev. PR2 Ver.A, World)
- Pulstar
- R-Type (World)
- Rage of the Dragons (NGM-2640?)
- Raiden Fighters 2 – Operation Hell Dive (Germany)
- Raiden Fighters Jet (Germany)
- Rally Bike / Dash Yarou
- Real Bout Fatal Fury 2 – The Newcomers (NGM-2400)
- Red Earth (Euro 961121)
- Ring of Destruction: Slammasters II (Euro 940902)
- Rival Schools: United By Fate (Euro 971117)
- S.T.U.N. Runner (rev 6)
- Samurai Shodown II / Shin Samurai Spirits – Haohmaru Jigokuhen (NGM-063 ~ NGH-063)
- Samurai Shodown IV – Amakusa’s Revenge / (NGM-222 ~ NGH-222)
- Samurai Shodown V Special / Samurai Spirits Zero Special (NGM-2720)
- Sengoku 3 / Sengoku Densho 2001 (set 1)
- Sexy Parodius (ver JAA)
- Shock Troopers (set 1)
- Shock Troopers – 2nd Squad
- Silk Worm (World)
- Smash T.V. (rev 8.00)
- SNK vs. Capcom – SVC Chaos Plus (bootleg set 1)
- Snow Bros. – Nick & Tom (set 1)
- Snow Bros. 2 – With New Elves / Otenki Paradise
- Snow Brothers 3 – Magical Adventure
- Soul Calibur (World, SOC14/VER.C)
- Space Invaders ’95: The Attack Of Lunar Loonies (Ver 2.5O 1995/06/14)
- Spider-Man: The Videogame (World)
- Street Fighter Alpha 2 (Euro 960229)
- Street Fighter Alpha 3 (Euro 980904)
- Street Fighter EX2 Plus (Euro 990611)
- Street Fighter II’: Champion Edition (World 920513)
- Street Fighter II: The World Warrior (World 910522)
- Street Fighter III 3rd Strike: Fight for the Future (Japan 990608, NO CD)
- Street Fighter: The Movie (v1.12)
- Strider (USA, B-Board 89624B-2)
- Strikers 1945 Plus
- Sunset Riders (2 Players ver ABD)
- Super Contra
- Super Gem Fighter Mini Mix (USA 970904)
- Super Hang-On (sitdown/upright) (unprotected)
- Super Punch-Out!! (Rev B)
- Super Street Fighter II X: Grand Master Challenge (Japan 940311)
- Super Street Fighter II: The New Challengers (World 931005)
- Susume! Mile Smile / Go Go! Mile Smile (newer)
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles (UK 2 Players, version U)
- Teenage Mutant Hero Turtles – Turtles in Time (2 Players ver EBA)
- Tekken 3 (World, TET2/VER.E1)
- Tekken Tag Tournament (World, TEG2/VER.C1, set 1)
- Terminator 2 – Judgment Day (rev LA4 08/03/92)
- Tetris the Absolute The Grand Master 2
- The Cliffhanger – Edward Randy (World ver 3)
- The Combatribes (US, rev 2, set 1)
- The King of Fighters ’95 (NGM-084)
- The King of Fighters ’97 (NGM-2320)
- The King of Fighters ’98 – The Slugfest / King of Fighters ’98 – Dream Match Never Ends (NGM-2420)
- The King of Fighters ’98: Ultimate Match HERO (China, V100, 09-08-23)
- The King of Fighters ’99 – Millennium Battle (NGM-2510)
- The King of Fighters 2000 (NGM-2570 ~ NGH-2570)
- The King of Fighters 2002 (NGM-2650 ~ NGH-2650)
- The Last Blade 2 / Bakumatsu Roman – Dai Ni Maku Gekka no Kenshi (NGM-2430 ~ NGH-2430)
- The Outfoxies (World, OU2)
- The Punisher (World 930422)
- The Simpsons (2 Players World, set 1)
- Three Wonders (World 910520)
- Tumble Pop (World)
- Ufo Robo Dangar (4/07/1987)
- Ultimate Mortal Kombat 3 (rev 1.2)
- Undercover Cops (World)
- Valkyrie No Densetsu (Japan)
- Vampire Savior 2: The Lord of Vampire (Japan 970913)
- Vampire Savior: The Lord of Vampire (Euro 970519)
- Vendetta (World, 4 Players, ver. T)
- Venom & Spider-Man – Separation Anxiety (SNES bootleg)
- Viewpoint
- Violent Storm (ver EAC)
- Voltage Fighter – Gowcaizer / Choujin Gakuen Gowcaizer
- Vs. Castlevania
- Waku Waku 7
- Warriors of Fate (World 921031)
- Wild West C.O.W.-Boys of Moo Mesa (ver EAB)
- Willow (World)
- Windjammers / Flying Power Disc
- Wonder Boy III – Monster Lair (set 6, World, System 16B) (8751 317-0098)
- World Heroes (ALM-005)
- World Heroes 2 Jet (ADM-007 ~ ADH-007)
- World Heroes Perfect
- WWF: Wrestlemania (rev 1.30 08/10/95)
- X-Men (2 Players ver UAB)
- X-Men Vs. Street Fighter (Euro 961004)
- X-Men: Children of the Atom (Euro 950331)
- Zed Blade / Operation Ragnarok
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